Africa’s Liberation: The Legagy of Nyerere
Editor: Chambi Chachage, Annar Cassam
Format: Paperback
ISBN: 13 978-1-906387-71-6
ISBN: 13 978-1-906387-72-3
Publication Date: May 2010
Audience: Activists, campaigners, NGO-workers, academics, journalists, commentators
Contributions from: Emeka Anyaoku, Ana Camacho, Horace Campbell, Seithy Chachage, Nawal El Saadawi, Ng'wanza Kamata, Faustin Kamuzora, Helen Kijo-Bisimba, Chris Maina Peter, Salma Maoulidi, Marjorie Mbilinyi, Neema Ndunguru, Haroub Othman, Mohamed Sahnoun, Issa G. Shivji, Vicensia Shule
Summary Description:
The death in 1999 of Julius Kambarage Nyerere, the first president of Tanzania, left a cavern in the consciousness and conscience of the people of Tanzania and Africa. Nyerere was not simply a player on the national terrain. He was a Pan-Africanist and an internationalist – in thoughts, writings and, crucially, in his practice. A giant of the liberation movement, Nyerere spoke out loud against injustices across the world. A decade later, his words, actions, achievements and shortcomings have acquired a sharper focus and relevance to our world.
This book includes contributions from leading commentators, those who worked and fought imperialism alongside Nyerere, members of a younger generation – and Nyerere in his own words.…