Speech by the President of the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere

Speech by the President of the United Republic of Tanganyika and Zanzibar Mwalimu Julius K. Nyerere, Monday July 20,1964

Mr. Chairman and Dear Brothers,
I want to join you all in adding to yours my expression of gratitude to President Nasser, his Government and the People of the United Arab Republic, for their hospitality and brotherly reception. In these expressions of gratitude and appreciation it is not easy to avoid giving the impression that one is merely expressing formal politeness.

I would therefore like to temper the formal part of this expression by reminding our hosts of what needs no reminder at all, that without the efforts.of our rainmakers in East Africa, the Egyptian people would not find it easy to be as hospitable as they are. But rainmakers apart, it is a great inspiration to us all (o see what a united country can do under inspired leadership.

Before coming here I did hope that we would not be making formal speeches. I thought that our host would make an opening speech; one of us would reply; and then we would plunge into the business of the agenda before us. But I find that we all have to make speeches, I am told that this is in the tradition of the United Nations. But I think there are two fairly good reasons why we should not follow the example of the United Nations.

Firstly, the General Assembly meets for a very long time indeed. We are assembled only for a few days. Secondly, the United Nations was never intended by its founders to lead to world unity. Our Organisation is specifically intended for African Unity.