Life Times Legacy
Published to celebrate the life of Mwalimu Nyerere.
Julius Kamberage Nyerere (born 1922) was a Tanzanian statesman and political philosopher who became the first president of Tanzania. His carefully reasoned and well-presented policies for the development of Tanzania led to a reputation as Africa's most original thinker.
HE Mwanaidi Sinare Maajar
Tanzania High Commissioner to the United Kingdom
Introduction - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_ms_maajar_intro.pdf
Benjamine William Mkapa
Third President of the United Republic of Tanzania
Memories of Julius Nyerere - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_mkapa.pdf
Ali Hassan Mwinyi
Second President of the United Republic of Tanzania
Mwalimu Nyerere as i knew him - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_hon_mwinyi.pdf
Joaquim Alberto Chrissano
Former President of Mozambique
Beloved son of Africa - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_joaquim_chissano.pdf
Dr Salim Ahmed Salim
Chairman of the Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation and former OAU Secretary General
Mwalimu Nyerere and African unity - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_dr_salim.pdf
Mzee Rashid Mfaume Kawawa
First Prime Minister under Mwalimu Julius Nyerere's Government
Nyerere: the teacher - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_kawawa.pdf
Joseph Sinde Warioba
Member of the Board of Trustees of the Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation, former Attorney General and Prime Minister under Mwalimu Julius Nyerere's Government
Nyerere: with a light touch - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_warioba.pdf
Judge Mark D Bomani
First Indigenous Attorney General of Tanzania
Nyerere: a Pan-Africanist - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_mark_bomani.pdf
Brig. Gen. (Rtd) Hashim I Mbita
Former Executive Secretary, OAU Liberation Committee
A Pan-Africanist freedom fighter - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_hashim_mbita.pdf
Dr Thomas Molony
Senior Research Fellow, The Centre of African Studies, the University of Edinburgh
Nyerere: the formative years - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_dr_molony.pdf
Dr Maria Kamm
Founder and Executive Chairperson of the Mama Clementina Foundation
Mwalimu on education - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_maria_kamm.pdf
Dr Andrew Coulson
Senior Lecturer in Local Government, Institute of Local Government Studies, University of Birmingham
Nyerere's socialism and its limits - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_andrew_coulson.pdf
Derek Ingram
Co-Founder of the Commonwealth Journalists Association (CJA)
The modest ways of Julius Nyerere - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_derek_ingram.pdf
Pius Msekwa
Deputy Chair of the Ruling Party CCM and former Speaker of the National Assembly
Tanganyika's independence struggle - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_pius_msekwa.pdf
Professor Yohana P Msanjila
Associate Professor of Linguistics, University of Dar es Salaam
Kiswahili as a unifying force - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_prof_msanjila.pdf
Robin White MBE
Former Editor of the BBC Focus on Africa Programme
Nyerere, the talker - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_robin_white.pdf
Faye Cran and Alistair Boyd
Long-term Redident in Arusha, and Vice Chairman of Africa Studies Association UK
Recollections of Tanzania - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_cran_boyd.pdf
Alfred Ngotezi
Senior Public Relations Officer, National Socail Security Fund (NSSF)
NSSF owes its successes to Nyerere - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_NSSF_article.pdf
David Nickol MBE
Former District Commissioner
Goodness, safety and peace - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_david_nickol.pdf
Ambassador Nicholas Kuhanga
Former Minister of Education
Nyerere's influence on education - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_nicholas_kuhanga.pdf
Issa G Shivji
Professor of Pan-African Studies, University of Dar es Salaam
Nyerere's nationalist legacy - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_issa_shivji.pdf
Ralph Ibbott
Former Adviser to the Ruvuma Development Association in Tanzania
Ujamaa Vijijini in the 1960s - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_ralph_ibbott.pdf
Antony Ellman
Agricultural Development Consultant
Nyerere's rural development policies - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_antony_ellman.pdf
Kevin Curley
Chief Executive of The National Association for Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA)
Nyerere on North-South relations - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_kevin_curley.pdf
Joseph W Butiku
Executive Director and Trustee of the Mwalimu Nyerere Foundation
The Mwalimu Nyerere foundation - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_joseph_butiku.pdf
Amani Millanga
PhD Student in Mass Communications at Leicester University
Nyerere, the devout Catholic - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_amani_millanga.pdf
Emmanuel D Tayari and Rhoda F Kijo
Vice Secretary of the Tanzania Edinburgh Community Association, and Independent Researcher in Economic Development Issues
A man who changed the world - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_tayari_kijo.pdf
Liz Fennell
Vice President of the British Tanzania Society (BTS)
Kwaheri Nyerere - nyerere_lifetime_legacy_liz_fennell.pdf